The Association of The British School of Gran Canaria is a not-for-profit trust whose membership is composed of parents of current school students. The Association is responsible for holding the assets and property of the school and to control its finances. As a non-profit making organisation any financial surpluses are invested into the school and its educational provision. The Association membership meets twice a year to approve the annual budget and the audited accounts of the School: AGM - December and EGM - June.
The Board of Governors are elected or co-opted representatives of the Association, assigned with the responsibility of overseeing the work of the Head and Senior Management Team, and assisting with decisions related to school development, finances, safety and the general well-being of the pupils and staff.
The Board meets each month to monitor and review the school accounts, students on roll, and other issues that affect its financial position. Board members also receive information about the school’s educational provision, the curriculum and important events taken place within the school and local community. They revise and approve all school policies and also participate in major decisions involving disciplinary sanctions. They are ultimately responsible for the welfare and safety of the whole school community, including all its pupils and staff.
The Governors also lead the development of the School’s Development Plan, aimed at long term strategic improvement of the school, and monitor its implementation.
The Board uses specialist committees to lead identified projects or work toward specific school needs, with these committees reporting to the Board for the approval of any actions to be taken. The Board of Governors is responsible for monitoring the implementation of four fundamental school policies with one Governor assigned to each policy: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Health and Safety, Safe Recruitment and Anti-Harassment.